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  • Writer's pictureLeo McNeill

Plotting on NYC

My first series in my blog is going to be about the garden plot I was recently assigned. I'll just follow the progress of the plot and my gardening efforts to cultivate the plot.

I was assigned a garden plot in a community garden in mid-November of 2021. By the time I was introduced to my plot and became aquatinted with the community garden, it was too late for me to plant most things I thought would survive throughout the winter. Because of this, I decided to focus on planting seeds that would winter over and, hopefully, sprout in the spring. Later I decided to plant bulbs as well that will sprout at various times in the spring.


Week 1 Start: Here is how the plot looked when it was assigned. There was a large, twisted, willow tree at the left of the photo that the community gardeners had removed. In this process, they had destroyed the border of the plot and had to rebuild it.


Week 1 Finish: Here is the work I was able to get done that day. There were some free daffodil bulbs, so I planted a few at the bottom left corner of the photo.


Week 2 Day 1 Start: Here is what the plot looked like one week later when I arrived. My trellis in the back had fallen over, but other than that, it didn't appear much had been disturbed.


Week 2 Day 1 Finish: On this day, I didn't do much, I just tried to prepare the plot for seeds I would plant the next day and to level the plot as best I could.


Week 2 Day Two: On this day, I sowed seeds my aunt had sent me for free. These seeds should winter over well and sprout in spring. And, by chance, many of these seeds are native to the area. The seeds I planted were echinacea, lupine, delphinium, cosmos, hollyhock, and pansy.

In my next post I'll cover the bulbs that I planted. Please let me know if there is any specific content you would like to see.

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